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  • April 27, 2023

How to wash kid's school uniforms?

It is normal for kindergarten children to be naughty, and it is also common for the school uniforms to be dirty and worn out. So how can you use some tips to make the school uniforms easy to clean and look new? Dora Garment has some idea to help you

1. Sweat stains - ammonia or table salt

Sweat stains on garden clothes are not only unsightly but also smelly. Just add 2 tablespoons of ammonia or table salt when washing, soak them for a few minutes, rub them gently, and rinse with water to remove the sweat stains.

2. The strange smell of garden clothes - 5% vinegar water

Soak the clothes in vinegar water with a concentration of 5% (the ratio of white vinegar and water is 1:20), and then perform regular cleaning after ten minutes, and the clothes will no longer have peculiar smell!

3. The garden clothes turn yellow - rice water + oranges.

Long-wearing garden clothes will inevitably turn yellow, especially white T-shirts. Just add the orange peel to the rice-washing water and heat it, soak the yellowed clothes in it, and wash it for one or two times to easily restore the whiteness without hurting the skin or the fabric.

4. Dyeing handwriting - Erguotou, milk

Soak the part of the kindergarten uniform that was accidentally stained with handwriting in the Erguotou, and then wash it with washing powder to easily remove the handwriting, or pour milk on the stained place, and rub it with water to easily remove the handwriting.

5. Paint stains - perfume

Spray the perfume on the stain and rub it gently, the paint stain is not only easily removed, but also the clothes become fragrant.

6. Oil stains on kindergarten uniforms - toothpaste

When eating hot pot, I accidentally got oil stains on my clothes. Just dip the toothpaste with water and apply it evenly on the oil stains, then gently rub the oil stains to remove them easily. Even white clothes are no longer afraid of getting oil stains!

7. Washing powder has residue - white vinegar mixed with water

The daily washing of garden clothes is always not clean, and the residual washing powder will also damage the skin.

When washing garden clothes next time, before rinsing with clean water, soak the clothes with white vinegar water with a concentration of 1% (the ratio of vinegar and water is 1:100) for 5 minutes and then rinse with clean water to easily remove the residual washing powder. 

8. Keep the garden clothes from fading - salt water immersion

Soak the garden clothes in salt water and then rinse them with clean water, so that the treated clothes are not easy to fade

9. How to restore the dyed garden clothes - adding disinfectant to the washing machine

When washing the garden clothes in the washing machine, if you accidentally dye them.

Just add disinfectant to the washing machine (half a tank of water with a third of a bottle of disinfectant), rinse with warm water for 25 minutes and then dry, and the garden uniform will return to its original color.

In fact, these little tricks are also completely applicable to other normal laundry cleaning, so try it! 

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